
I read in the paper today that things aren't gonna be the way we once thought that they would,
and maybe things would be OK and maybe I'll understand like I know I should.
They told me that the end was coming I'd better make amends
but I'd rather spend my last few hours with my closest friends.

Crushed: when I see it coming down.
Crushed: when I've got our end in sight.
Crushed: when I see you drawing near.
Crushed: when I see it coming down.

I'll stand here obligingly, unblinkingly, as you try fruitlessly to state your piece
and I'll tell myself your speech will end and pretend that I'm not wondering if your words will cease.
I've got some news for you that you better get right though your head:
they told me that tomorrow we will all be dead.

Crushed: when I see it coming down.
Crushed: when I've got our end in sight.
Crushed: when I see you drawing near.
Crushed: when I see it coming down.

Crushed: when I see it coming down.
Crushed: when I've got our end in sight.
Crushed: when I see you drawing near.
Crushed: when I see it coming down.
